Kale Super Green Matcha Powder (150g) Product Description:
Product Description
Kale is one of the vegetable world's top sources of vitamin A,C & K which promotes eye and skin health and may help strengthen the immune system. It's a good source of heart-healthy fiber and a 1-cup serving has almost as much vitamin C as an orange. What's not to love?
1 - This is healthy living made easy for busy people. For those who can't get their fruits and veggies (or can't bothered to), throwing a high-quality powder into any drink is better than nothing.
2 - Weight Loss With Green Kale juice or Smoothies
2 - Detox & Cleansing
3 - Fighting & Preventing Illness
4 - Better Nutrition
Based on your taste buds - take 1-2 teaspoon(s) on 8-12 oz with hot water or any kind of juices/vitamins water 3 to 4 times daily. For best result mix it with hot water to lower the calories count compare to process juices if used.
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