Affordable Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker + 3 Pcs Glass Jar Square-Small + 3 Pcs 4.5 in. Cup & Saucer Demi Spoon

Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker + 3 Pcs Glass Jar Square-Small + 3 Pcs 4.5 in. Cup  &  Saucer Demi SpoonAffordable Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker + 3 Pcs Glass Jar Square-Small + 3 Pcs 4.5 in. Cup & Saucer Demi Spoon

Hamilton Beach Single Serve Scoop Coffee Maker + 3 Pcs Glass Jar Square-Small + 3 Pcs 4.5 in. Cup & Saucer Demi Spoon Product Description:

Product Description

The Scoop Single-Serve Coffeemaker goes where no coffeemaker has gone before, brewing hotter, faster and better-tasting coffee than most gourmet machines out there. And, its benefits don't stop there. The Scoop Coffeemaker utilizes the simplicity of ground coffee and brews a customizable cup quickly: an 8 oz. cup in less than 90 seconds or a 14 oz. travel mug in under two-and-a-half minutes. Aside from its versatility in using inexpensive coffee grounds to brew a great-tasting cup, The Scoop Coffeemaker is designed for ultra-simple preparation in three straightforward steps: 1) Scoop 2) Place 3) Brew. It features a steel mesh scoop for filtering freshly ground coffee and comes with a built-in, adjustable stand that flips to accommodate a standard-size cup or a taller travel mug. All in all, The Scoop Single-Serve Coffeemaker offers affordability and no fuss with lots of options. There's no need for extra equipment, high-tech buttons or extra equipment, either.

* 3 Pcs Glass Jar Square-Small

* 3 Pcs 4.5 in. Cup & Saucer Demi Spoon

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